Here are a few of the most common cases you would want to use Layer Magic for:
- you create presentation websites and want some parallax effects
- you want some interesting animations on your website
- you want something to catch the attention of your website's visitors
- you are a graphic artist and want a good looking portfolio
- you like to create graphic effects and animations
- you want to create a short interactive story and to display it on your website
- you are a techie or a geek and want a new toy to play with
- you are an early adopter who is looking for ground-braking technologies
- you want your website to stand out from all the other billion websites out there
- you want some responsive features on your website without having to bother with responsiveness
- you are a creative genius who want to push the boundaries of creativity on the web
- you have no idea what you are doing, but you want to look like you do