Asset | A Layer Magic entity that contains data regarding images, videos and other graphic elements. |
Builder | The Layer Magic page called "Builder" inside the editor. |
Bulk | Refers to action inside editor that affect multiple entities. |
Canvas | The HTML5 element that is used for drawing. Sometimes might be used instead of viewport, since most of the times they represent the same visible area. |
Console | The Layer Magic interface element that displays notifications. |
Context Menu | The menu that appears inside editor on right-click. |
Disabled | Refering to a property, when it is not taken into account. Refering to a project, when it is not displayed on the website. |
Editor | The whole Layer Magic application that runs inside WordPress dashboard. |
Focus Line | The line on the Layer Magic timeline that represents the current step for value calculation. |
Keyframe | The entity on Layer Magic timeline that contains data regarding layer property's value and the moment when it will be used for calculation. |
Layer | The Layer Magic entity that contains data regarding how an asset will be displayed on website. |
Library | The Layer Magic page called "Library" inside the editor. |
Locked | Refering to a project, when it cannot be edited or changed. |
Log | A Layer Magic notification message. |
Mobile Substitute | A Layer Magic project that is displayed on the mobile devices instead of the original one. |
Parent Layer | A layer that can influence the calculation of another layer and which is considered to be placed higher in the hierarchy. |
Pivot | A 2D point that is used for calculating the position of an element. |
Placeholder | By definition, it means something that takes the place of the original thing. In Layer Magic, it also represents a project that appears before the main project's resources are loaded. |
Project | A Layer Magic entity that contains all the data regarding visuals, animations and other settings. |
Scale | A synonim for size, but presented as a ratio. |
Shortcode | The WordPress text element which is used to execute different functionality. |
Thumbnail | A small image that is used to identify different entities, like projects etc. |
Timeline | The Layer Magic area that contains data regarding value changes of layer properties. |
Timeline Grid | The area of Layer Magic timeline interface where keyframes can be placed. |
Timeline Step | The interval on the Layer Magic timeline that can be used for calculation and to which keyframes can be placed. |
Viewport | The part of the project that represents the visible area in which the images as drawing. |
Layer Magic Terminology Print
Modified on: Wed, 15 Mar, 2017 at 2:47 PM
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